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Never miss a token payment by scheduling them in advance

Robin Ji
Robin Ji
Robin Ji
Robin Ji
CEO & Co-Founder at Liquifi
Never miss a token payment by scheduling them in advance
Key takeaways

Token payouts are frustrating when scheduled on inconvenient dates

A common frustration teams face with making token payments is paying out vesting schedules on an inconvenient date. For example, if the end-of-the-month vesting period fell on a weekend or a holiday. Because of the way blockchains and token transactions work, there was no good workaround for dealing with a cumbersome process besides signing transactions on the actual date of delivery.

You have to prompt your team members to have their signer wallets ready, make sure everyone is responsive and coordinated, and do this while ensuring the wallet addresses, tax information, and token amounts are correct. It's a Saturday evening, and you're already juggling priorities when you realize a critical payment needs to go out by tomorrow morning. You're racing against the clock, hoping you don't hit any snags that could delay the payout. It's a high-pressure scenario that's all too familiar, but it doesn't have to be.

Liquifi allows you to schedule token payouts in advance with “Scheduled Payouts”

Liquifi's latest feature, Scheduled Payouts, changes how you process your token payouts by introducing the ability to schedule your payouts in advance. No more last-minute scrambles. Set your date, input your payout details, and let Liquifi handle the rest. Whether it’s paying employees or investors, handling payroll, or facilitating an airdrop, you can set your payments days, weeks, or even months ahead of time.

Eliminate the inconvenience of token vesting payments

Scheduled payouts empower you to plan ahead, ensuring that your payments are made precisely when needed—without you lifting a finger on the day. Take care of all the calculations, double-check for accuracy, and process tax withholding and reporting well before the payment date. You can have your team review the numbers, sign off on them, submit the scheduled transaction, and trust that it gets handled.

This feature isn't just about automation; it's about the peace of mind that comes with knowing everything is taken care of. It's about reclaiming your time so you can focus on what matters—growing your business and strategizing for the future.

How SuperRare uses Scheduled Payouts

SuperRare has been using this feature strategically and used it when they had a token payout scheduled for Dec 31, 2022. Rather than sitting next to their signer wallets waiting for payouts to process, they scheduled it well in advance during normal business hours and enjoyed their holiday evening.

With over hundreds of transactions processed every month, it’s much easier for the Finance team to review their numbers for accuracy in advance of the payout. After confirming the numbers are correct, they go through the standard approval process to sign off on the payout. All of this is done before the actual date of delivery so that it’s easy for the team to coordinate and process payouts without having to go through complex hand-off processes with multiple multi-sig signers.

“Liquifi turns what would be a four-hour manual task on the last day of every month into a ten-minute automated task that can be done on any day during the month.

Liquifi makes it so easy to add and remove token plans, make custom plans, and gives us peace of mind that once these plans are set up, the only process we need to do every month is a simple ten-minute task to schedule all payments.”

FAQ section

How does this work with multi-sig wallets?

Scheduled payouts work natively with Gnosis multi-sig wallets. Schedule the payout, approve and get your multi-sig signers to approve the transaction request, and then it will automatically process on the date of payment

What if I am using a qualified custodian to distribute my tokens?

Because qualified custodians have their own systems/approval processes for distributing tokens, we cannot offer scheduled payouts without cooperating with your qualified custodian. Please contact us to learn more and see how we may enable this.

What if my payments are daily or weekly?

You can bulk schedule payouts, so frequent payouts, like daily or weekly vesting, are easily managed.

How do I change or edit payouts after scheduling them?

You cannot edit payouts after scheduling them. 

How far out can I schedule payouts?

You can schedule payouts as far in advance as you like. 

Who pays the gas or transaction fees?

You pay the gas/transaction fees by depositing ETH into a contract to cover the transaction costs. Alternatively, Liquifi can invoice you and pay for the gas on your behalf.

Experience a better future of token management with Liquifi. Schedule your payouts and achieve greater automation. To learn more, contact or visit to get started.

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Robin Ji
Robin Ji
CEO & Co-Founder at Liquifi
Token Vesting and Compensation Guru

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